Iman Irannejad – Helllife – paintings

Iman Irannejad - Helllife - painting - TAP Gallery
Iman’s art delves into the complexities of human existence, unraveling desires, fears, and the essence of being. He portrays individuals not solely based on their outward appearance but rather as reflections resonating within him. Departing from a linear narrative of events, he shapes characters and narrates their stories in a state of uncertainty. For Iman, this uncertainty and complexity symbolise the challenges humans often face, unfolding simultaneously in life.

This exhibition is a journey through Iman Irannejad’s emergence as an artist in 2023. It showcases paintings created during his time in Sydney and a three-month period in Berlin, where he participated in an artist residency at Takt Berlin and attended the Berlin Art Institute Studio Programs. The progression of his work reveals a cohesive exploration thread. Initially, he focused on dominant figures and employed more realistic techniques. Subsequently, he transitioned to experimenting with expressive techniques while exploring similar concepts, maintaining a consistent perspective throughout his body of work.

In essence, Iman’s artwork explores life, human experiences, and, fundamentally, his personal journey and connections with others. He communicates these diverse states of being through various mediums and techniques, unveiling the authentic emotions concealed beneath the surface.

See: – web site and @imanspainting – Instagram.

Preparing the show – Tap TV (YouTube).

TAP Gallery:
Youtube: TAP TV – @TapGallerySydney
Instagram: @tapgallery and #tapgallery
Email: * Telephone: 0400610440 .
Level 1, 259 Riley St, Surry Hills NSW 2010

Iman Irannejad – Helllife – paintings